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For pet owners, there is no harder decision than saying goodbye to a beloved family member. Chasing Tails Veterinary Services offers at-home euthanasia in our College Station Texas service area, providing a less stressed environment for both you and your furry companion. By staying at home, your pet’s last moments are peaceful and quiet.

What can I do to make this process easier for my pet?

By choosing at-home euthanasia, you are allowing his or her final moments to be spent at home, surrounded by favorite people, beloved items, and familiar smells. Your pet will not need to go through the stress of a car ride to an unfamiliar and cold location.
You know your pet best, and the most important thing is to help them feel calm and stress-free, whatever that means for him or her. Make sure they have their favorite comfort items (bed, blanket, toys) with them. You can also provide them with a special treat before the procedure like ice cream or hot dogs.
Stay with your pet through the process and to the end. Although it may be hard for you, it would be harder for your pet if the last face that they saw was an unfamiliar one. He or she has always been there for you in life; the best gift that you can give is your presence in euthanasia services in College Station Texas - dog and cat euthanasia

What happens during the pet euthanasia procedure? Does it hurt?
The veterinarian will give your pet two shots. The first is a sedative. It allows for a gentle transition from consciousness to unconsciousness, and your pet will experience falling into a deeper and deeper sleep. This period usually lasts 5-10 minutes. After your pet is completely unconscious, the veterinarian will give your pet the second injection of pentobarbital when you’re ready. This drug will cause your pet’s heart to slow and then eventually stop. This may take up to 15 minutes, but your pet will not be aware of the process.
The only discomfort your pet may feel is a possible pinch when the first shot is given.

How do you know when it’s time?
You should think in terms of when the “best” time is, not when the “right” time is. There is usually no 100 percent right time for euthanasia; instead, there is a subjective period of time in which it is a good decision. You and your veterinarian should consider your pet’s current quality of life, the progression of his or her disease, and what your family is able to endure. You should be able to have an open and honest conversation with your veterinarian to help you decide.

What happens after euthanasia?
Chasing Tails Mobile Veterinary Services has partnered with Fond Memories to ensure that your pet’s remains are cared for in a professional, compassionate, and timely manner.
For no extra charge, your pet’s ashes will be scattered at a local cemetery. Other options are available through Pet Legacies for an extra charge.
Be sure to give yourself time and space to grieve. The death of a pet can be as difficult as losing a human family member.

What areas does Chasing Tails Mobile Veterinary Services Serve?

We serve the Bryan / College Station metro area. If you are looking for dog, cat, or pet euthanasia services in College Station Texas, please contact us to verify that service is available in your area.

If you have any additional questions, contact us today – 

“Just wanted to pass along our experience with Chasing Tails Veterinary Services. We had to make a difficult decision about our beloved pet and for anyone who has ever made that decision, you know it is not easy. Dr. Marvel came to our home yesterday evening with her technician and made a horrible event very comforting. They sat on the floor of our home, fed our pup white chocolate and peanut butter, and encouraged us to just be with her until it was over. They were patient and kind and even cried with us as we said goodbye. I feel very blessed to have professionals like Dr. Marvel and her team in this community. We have been using their services since 2015 and have always had great experiences, but last night was a true testament to their worth.”