At Chasing Tails Mobile Veterinary service, we started out in life in College Station, but we have now found another “new home” so to speak by extending our service as Bryan, Texas, veterinarians. Bryan is in the College Station metro area and boasts lots of young families, great houses, and an excellent sense of community.

Our mobile veterinarian service is proud to have as its goal becoming the best veterinarian in the College Station metro, one family – cat or dog – at a time!
Better still, for Bryan, Texas pet owners, when you use us as your College Station Texas, veterinarians, you don’t have to come to us because we come to you.
Yes, whatever your pet’s needs, we come to your home and take care of him or her right there on the spot in our state-of-the-art mobile surgery. This is so much better both for you and for your pet. It means that you don’t have to travel and neither does your pet.
Pets Get Distressed
Most pets can get quite distressed when having to visit a vet practice, as you may well know if you have had to do so in the past. Your dog or cat will sit there in the waiting room surrounded by lots of other dogs and cats, and maybe a tortoise, parrot, rabbit and so on, and very often you see them shivering, at the very least, because they don’t know what is going to happen to them and what it is all about. It can be the same with us when we have to go to the doctor’s because we don’t know what the problem is. Or maybe worse, we do know what the problem is.
However, when we come to your home as your Bryan, Texas, veterinarians, your pet is in his or her usual surroundings and we are no different from any of your other visitors. So, this means that your pet doesn’t get distressed and worried.
We can carry out any or all functions that your pet requires right here at your home, including things such as spaying and neutering, minor operations, x-rays, vaccinations, routine check-ups – in fact, everything that you would find if you brought your pet to a veterinary surgery, except that you don’t have to! We have got all the various medications that your pet might need on board with us as well.
So from now forward, in Bryan, Texas, you don’t have to go to the vet any more because we will come to you.